Our literary agency is actively seeking new and/or established authors in a variety of genres and categories of both fiction and non-fiction.
Please send a query letter using the form below to one literary agent only. Your query should include only a paragraph about yourself, a brief plot synopsis and your contact information; it should not include a manuscript, a proposal, or any writing samples. Before sending your query letter, please follow the instructions in the area below by filling out the form and agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. This must be completed before an agent will respond to your query. Please do not send a manuscript or proposal until you have been requested to do so by a book agent. We do not accept simultaneous-submissions that have been sent to other agents at Trident Media Group. After the expiration of a 30-day period following a submission to a Trident Media Group literary agent, you may make a submission to another agent at Trident Media Group. Multiple submissions made within a thirty-day period will automatically be blocked.
Our standard literary agency commission rate is 15% for sales in North America and 20% for foreign sales (in some of the small foreign markets outside North America the commission rate is 25%). The commission rate for film and TV sales is 15%.